
A 3D Image Of You In Only 40 Seconds

At BluVida, we use Fit3D, a technology that leading researchers and performance centers use around the globe to track body measurements, posture, and more. As a bonus, Fit3D is also helpful in knowing your exact clothing size!

  • Precise Measurements
  • Fit3D provides metrics that matter
  • Body Fat Percentage
  • Lean Muscle Mass
  • Visceral Fat Levels
  • BMR Figures
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Posture & Balance Analysis

Fit3D also measures your Posture and Balance.

The report provides a baseline of your posture and how you carry your weight. Analyzing your posture is helpful for everyday life, physical therapy, and posture correction treatments.

Visualize Results 

Compare up to three scans at a time in your secure, user-friendly online dashboard. Fit3D has encapsulated reports in a personalized web portal. Safe & private to monitor your progress.