Award Winning Super EWOT Ozone Sauna

Oxygenate | Detoxify | Relax | Rejuvenate

The Super EWOT Ozone Sauna™ is a Steam Sauna that adds Ozone into sauna cabinet.

Oxygen from the oxygen concentrator means you get the benefit of EWOT (exercise with oxygen training) without exercising while enjoying the ozone sauna.


Pain Relief

Pain Relief

Increases muscle flexibility and Loosens and Relaxes muscles by reducing lactic acid build up.



Toxins are oxidized and eliminated through the lungs, skin, colon and

Healing from injury

Healing from injury

Helps muscles to repair by boosting blood circulation. Relieves pain and speeds the healing process by stimulating vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels.



Eliminates viral and bacterial infections of all kinds.

Calorie burn

Calorie burn

Speeds up the metabolic processes of the endocrine glands and inner organs. One 30 minute session results in a loss of 400-600 calories.

Optimized skin care2

Optimized skin care

Increases circulation for naturally toned, glowing skin by opening pores & releasing toxins.



Improves health and well being by combining moist heat with oxygenation to relieve muscle and psychological stress.

The Super EWOT Ozone Sauna is the only sauna in the world that combines moist heat, ozone therapy and Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) without actually exercising. You get the maximum relaxation and maximum health benefits.

How long is the session?
A session is typically 30 minutes although for your first treatment, we recommend 20 minutes. Temperature is kept between 102 up to 111 degrees Fahrenheit for experienced ozone sauna users.
How many sessions do I need?
The number of sessions you may need is depending on your health goals. Our specialists can make a recommendation at your first session. We have found that 5-10 sessions within the 6 weeks is highly beneficial as the benefits are cumulative. Often people do a series of sessions initially and then taper off or continue on a maintenance basis schedule. Ozone sauna can be done up to 3x a week.
Are there any contraindications for Ozone Sauna Therapy?
Ozone Therapy is a safe and effective treatment however, there are some cases where ozone is not recommended or permitted for use: Pregnant, Under 18 years old, have COPD or other respiratory conditions, have an organ transplant, or are severely immunocompromised.

The use of any drugs, strong medications, alcohol are prohibited prior to or during a session.

Please consult a physician if you are taking any prescription medications or for the use of ozone sauna related to your specific health history.

Are there any side effects?
Part of the benefits of ozone therapy is detoxification. Depending on the state of your detoxification system, there may be temporary die-off symptoms: headache, muscle or joint pain, or fatigue within the first 1-3 days. You may consider taking a toxin binder during this period to lesson any die-off symptoms.

Ozone allergies are rare but do exist. This typically presents as a rash. If you experience a rash or severe die-off/detox symptoms, please stop treatments immediately.