Ozone Therapy for Depression


Ozone therapy has become a popular alternative treatment for depression. Many people are starting to use ozone therapy for depression because of its many benefits.

Ozone therapy is a non-invasive procedure often used as an alternative treatment for depression. It has been used to treat many other conditions, such as migraines, acne and eczema.

It works by increasing the amount of oxygen in your body, which helps to increase your energy levels and improve your mood.

Ozone therapy is a type of treatment that uses oxygen to heal the body. It’s been around since the 1930s, but it’s gaining traction among people suffering from depression.

If you’re suffering from depression, you may feel like there are no solutions. You may feel like your brain is constantly in a fog and that there’s no way to escape.

But what if we told you that there was a treatment that could help?

Ozone therapy uses oxygen and ozone gas to cleanse the body of toxins, which can help reduce symptoms related to depression. It can also help increase oxygen levels in the blood, which can improve brain function.

Here are five reasons why ozone therapy can help with depression:

  1. It improves circulation, which helps to get more oxygen to your brain and other organs.
  1. It helps you breathe easier by removing toxins from your lungs and bloodstream, making breathing easier and more comfortable for those with asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
  1. It boosts energy levels and makes you feel happier! This is because ozone therapy increases blood flow throughout the body and stimulates the production of endorphins—the body’s natural painkiller—in the brain.
  1. It relieves stress by relaxing muscles in your face and neck (this can help counter feelings of anxiety).
  1. It gives you clearer skin because it kills bacteria on your skin surface that cause acne breakouts or psoriasis flare-ups (this is especially helpful if you’ve been struggling with acne lately).

Ozone is an antioxidant that helps boost the immune system, fight infections, and aid in tissue repair. Exposure to air molecules in your lungs increases your ability to absorb oxygen more effectively. This process boosts energy levels and reduces fatigue—two things that are often associated with depression.

You’re lucky because we have an in-depth page about ozone and how it affects your brain.

Navigate to the original ozone page called “Mood Disorders” to read this Harvard reference piece written by our competent and integral team. 

You are not alone.


At BluVida Health and Wellness, we believe that every person deserves to feel their best. Depression is a severe condition that can be debilitating to those who struggle with it, and we want you to know that there is help available.

We have been there, too, and we know how hard it is to feel alone and misunderstood, but no matter what, we want you to remember that we care about you and want you to be well.